Policies, procedures, and programs for Matthews Elementary families
Students & Families Dashboard
- Academics & Programs
The Alabama Literacy Act was passed in 2019 to help improve reading in Alabama public schools to ensure students are reading on grade level by the end of the 3rd grade. Reading is the gateway to lifelong achievement and the students of Alabama deserve a strong start on their path to success.
- Health & Safety
It is the policy of the Board that no student shall engage in or be subjected to bullying, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by any other student that is based on any of the specific characteristics that have been identified by the Tuscaloosa County Board of Education in this policy.
- Academics & Programs
A strong school-family relationship is key to students achieving success in and out of the classroom, which is why we want to make information about current curricula and materials used in TCSS classrooms easily available.
- Policies & Procedures
A standardized dress code of Tuscaloosa County Schools has been adopted to ensure that all students are provided safe and appropriate educational opportunities free from unnecessary disruptions or outside influences and to instill in students the need to dress appropriately and respect each other and authority.
- Health & Safety
The Tuscaloosa County School System takes student, staff, and community safety as a high priority. Our most important role is to provide measures and safety precautions that will keep our students, staff, and visitors safe while on any school campus.
- Academics & Programs
The Extended Day Program is an extension of the regular school day that helps meet childcare needs of families. Each school offers a unique combination of activities, which can include homework assistance, tutoring programs, and enrichment activities.
- Academics & Programs
Learn more about the homebound services provided by TCSS to students with a disability, or who are suspected of having a disability.
- Academics & Programs
Students in grades K-2 receive a report card that outlines individual standards in each subject and gives a grade of Proficient, Emerging, Intensive, or Not Yet Taught on each standard.
- Academics & Programs
Entering kindergarten is an exciting milestone for a student and their family. Children who will be five years of age on or before September 2, 2024, are eligible to enroll in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.